Media Contact:
Chelsey Holland


Spice up your text life with flirtyQWERTY – new keyboard app for iPhone

VENICE, CA – flirtyQWERTY ( is a free app that let’s you spice up your text life from any app on your phone.  

“I was flirting with a guy on my phone and I wanted to give him the finger” said Amy Galland, Founder and CEO.  “There wasn’t one – so I looked in the app store and on line for an image to send.  But the “sexy” images I found were not empowering to women.  They weren’t the type of imagery that communicates: ‘I am fun, sexy, and I respect myself – respect me, too.’  So I drew on my background in Art History and Women’s Studies and created flirtyQWERTY.”


flirtyQWERTY has hundreds of sophisticated, flirty emojis and memes that are accessible from your keyboard.  Sexier images are available for purchase within the app, and you can decide if you want to use them in the app or from your keyboard.

And if you want to keep your fun-side private, you can use all of flirtyQWERTY images from the password-protected app.

flirtyQWERTY contains images of people of different races, sizes, ages, and sexualities.  “I wanted to create emojis where women have agency in their intimate relationships.  It is my hope that as people use flirtyQWERTY images, they will be a counterexample to much of what we see in advertising and the media by showing a variety of women as beautiful, sexy, adored, and in control of what happens to our bodies.” 

Our mission is to celebrate respectful sensual imagery in order to reduce body shaming and sexual violence.  We will give a percentage of profits to organizations providing education to women and girls and fighting for legal equality based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

flirtyQWERTY is currently available to download on the Apple App Store.
